
Charismatic spellcasters who draw their magical abilities from an inherent source, such as a draconic lineage or a chaotic force of nature. Sorcerers have a limited but potent selection of spells and can manipulate their magic in unique ways.

Level 1

πŸ’–6 πŸ›‘13 πŸ₯Ύ30 ft β†―Charisma
🎲Arcana, Deception, Insight, Persuasion


Choose one (1) of three (3).

This choice affects your starting equipment and what upgrades can appear.

β‘  Conduit

Currents of electricity jettison from your body. Future spells use the damage types Lightning and/or Thunder.

Shocking Grasp

  • Melee πŸ—‘ βž– 1d8 lightning
    • The target can't take reactions until the start of their next turn.
    • *If the target is wearing armor of metal you gain advantage on this spell.

Sorcerous Burst

  • Ranged πŸ—‘ βž– 1d8
    • Choose the damage type: Lightning or Thunder.
    • *On an 8, add an additional 1d8, up to three (3) times.

β‘‘ Fey Affinity

Fey magic has gifted you a mischievous nature. Future spells use the damage types Acid and/or Poison.


  • Ranged 🎲 βž– 1d6
    • Distraction

Sorcerous Burst

  • Ranged πŸ—‘βž– 1d8
    • Choose the damage type: Acid or Poison.
    • *On an 8, add an additional 1d8, up to three (3) times.

β‘’ Psychic

Lift things up and put them down. With your mind. Future spells use the damage types Force and/or Psychic.

Mind Sliver

  • Ranged 🎲 βž– 1d6
    • The target subtracts 1d4 from their next saving throw.

Sorcerous Burst

  • Ranged πŸ—‘ βž– 1d8
    • Choose the damage type: Force or Psychic.
    • *On an 8, add an additional 1d8, up to three (3) times.

Each feature or spell may be used once per combat. 

Innate Sorcery

An event in your past left an unforgettable mark on you, infusing you with a simmering magic. For the next minute, you tap into the following benefits:

  • The spell save DC of your Sorcerer spells increases by 1.
  • You have Advantage on the attack rolls of Sorcerer spells you cast.

Chaos Bolt

Hurl an undulating, warbling mass of chaotic energy at your target. 

  • Ranged πŸ—‘ βž– 2d8 + 1d6
    • Choose between the two damage types your Unnatural Talent provides, or roll for a random element.
    • If you roll the same number on both d8s, this spell bounces to a different creature of your choice, up to three (3) times.

Absorb Elements

Captures some of the incoming energy, lessening its effect on you and storing it for your next spell or attack. 

  • Resist half of the incoming damage from a magical attack.
  • Your next spell or attack deals an additional 1d6 of the resisted damage type.


During livestreams both Twitch and YouTube chat vote for which player gets an upgrade. These can include:

  • Ability Augments
  • Features 
  • Spells 
  • Weapons 

Level 2 and Beyond

  • Gain Metamagic and a spell based on your Unnatural Talent at Level 2.
  • Decide between one (1) of three (3) Sorcerous Origins (subclass) at Level 3.
  • More items, spells, subclasses, and features will be added over time, chosen via members only polls.